Welcome to Sonny Rose Ranch, a picturesque 40-acre farmstead nestled in western Pennsylvania, where our thriving apiary takes center stage. Here, we carefully tend to our active honeybee hives and expertly harvest raw honey at the peak of nectar flows during the spring and fall seasons.
Our raw honey is the epitome of premium quality, being pure, unheated, unpasteurized, and unprocessed. This pristine state preserves a wealth of natural vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients, and other essential nutritional elements, offering unparalleled health benefits.
Honeybees are some of the most beneficial insects on earth. They are responsible for the pollination of nearly 85% of all food crops that we eat. Because these amazing creatures are so beneficial to the environment I urge you to please do your part in supporting local beekeepers. You can support local beekeepers by becoming a beekeeper, buying local honey, planting bee friendly plants in your garden and refrain from exterminating honeybees.
“The beekeeper has constantly before him some of the most exquisite of nature’s creations, often the beauty of nature that no gallery or temple can rival, and through his own ingenuity and skill he is able to offer to his fellow man the loveliest product of nature.”
-Dr. Richard Taylor – philosopher and long life beekeeper
Sonny Rose Ranch : 412-477-8983 or visit our Contact Page